United Benefice of St.Mary, Higham Ferrers, and St. John, Chelveston

The Treasures of St. Mary the Virgin
An audio trail of the church and its surroundings
As you stand at the entrance to the churchyard from the Market Square, you will see three remarkable buildings, dating from the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.
To your right stands the Bede House; to your left the Grammar School, and straight ahead, the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin.
Listen to find out more ...
In these short audio tours below, you can find out about the unique features of these buildings - truly the treasures of our church.
FREE Higham Ferrers Audio Tour App
An audio walking tour providing a glimpse into the history, main sights and treasures of this medieval town is available to download for free from the Apple Store or Google Play.
The tour starts and finishes in the Market Square with the route including St Mary’s Church, the Bede House, Chantry Chapel, the site of the former Higham Castle, the Dovecote and Chichele College and gardens.
Introductions: written by Richard Oberman and narrated by Paul Needle
Images: courtesy of Dave Hogan
Design: Pam Webbley