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Welcome to our Benefice services and events for this week ...

​Services this Sunday


19th January  Second Sunday of Epiphany


9.00am  Parish Eucharist  at St. John's

​10.30am  Parish Eucharist  at St. Mary's â€‹with Kickstart

The Online Benefice Service ‘Meeting Point’ continues – join in alongside either the services in church, or at the usual online time of 10 am. The service is available all day on here and accessible until the following Saturday. 


Weekday Services and Events​​​​​​​​


​​Tuesday 21st January

1 - 3pm Soup, tea & cakes at St. John's

7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice at St. Mary's


Wednesday 22nd  January

10am Morning Prayer at St. Mary's


​​Thursday 23rd January

10am Said Eucharist at St.Mary's

10am  Coffee & Chat to 12 Noon at St. Mary's​


Saturday 25th January

​Higham Ferrers Farmers' Market

10am - 1 pm Coffee Morning in  Bedehouse

11.30 am Organ Recital in St. Mary's


​​​​​​Services next Sunday 

26th January  Third Sunday of Epiphany


9.00am  Parish Eucharist  at St. John's

​10.30am  Parish Eucharist  at St. Mary's â€‹

4pm Lego Church in the Bedehouse




The Online Benefice Service ‘Meeting Point’ continues – join in alongside either the services in church, or at the usual online time of 10 am. The service is available all day on here and accessible until the following Saturday

Private prayer

  • St. Mary's church is open for private prayer daily from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

  • St. John's church is open for private prayer every day during daylight hours

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