United Benefice of St.Mary, Higham Ferrers, and St. John, Chelveston
Welcome to our Benefice services and events for this week ...
Saturday 28th September
9am to 12noon ​​Farmers'Market Coffee Morning in the Bedehouse & Recital in church
Services this Sunday
29th September Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
10.30am Benefice Eucharist at St. Mary's
4pm Festival of Harvest Praise at St. John's
The Online Benefice Service ‘Meeting Point’ continues – join in alongside either the services in church, or at the usual online time of 10 am. The service is available all day on here and accessible on the archive from Monday.
Weekday Services and Events​​​​
Monday 30th September
6 pm Evening Prayer at St. John's
Tuesday 1st October
2pm Funeral of Susan Wiles at St. Mary's
7.30pm Bellringing pratice at St. Mary's
Wednesday 2nd October
10am Morning Prayer at St. Mary's
​​Thursday 3rd October
10am Said Eucharist at St. Mary's
10am - 12noon Coffee & Chat at St. Mary's
2pm Mothers' Union meeting at Ruth Bond's house
7pm Celtic Evening Liturgy in the Chantry Chapel
​Friday 4th October
5.30 pm First Friday Club in the Bedehouse
​​​​​​Services next Sunday
6th October Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
9am Parish Eucharist at St. John's
10.30am All Age Harvest Festival at St. Mary's
The Online Benefice Service ‘Meeting Point’ continues – join in alongside either the services in church, or at the usual online time of 10 am. The service is available all day on here and accessible on the archive from Monday.
Private prayer
St. Mary's church is open for private prayer daily from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
St. John's church is open for private prayer every day during daylight hours